Çerez Örnek

Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery




Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a department treatingsoft and hard tissue pathologies in the oral region. In our department which offers a modern treatment service by closely following new technologies, the education of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students is carried out with theoritical and practical lessons under the supervision of our faculty members and research assistants.


  • Tooth extraction;
  • Impacted tooth surgery;
  • Treatment of jaw and surrounding tissue cysts;
  • Treatment of odontogenic tumors;
  • Maxillofacial traumatology and treatment of jaw fractures;
  • Pre-prosthetic surgery;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of maxillofacial pain;
  • Treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders (physical therapy, arthroscopy, arthrocentesis and botox applications);
  • Treatment of odontogenic infections;
  • Treatment of salivary gland diseases;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases;
  • Dental implantology (especially advanced implant surgery in cases where there is not enough bone and soft tissue for implant placement)


In addition to these, the diagnosis, treatment and control of the oral findings of some systemic diseases are also implicated.


Prof. M. Cemal AKAY

Head of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Ege Üniversitesi